Barker High School
Barker High School Basketball Schedule 2024-25

Game Play Rules
- Playing time rules – no more than two (2) Varsity players on the court at the same time.
- Actual names of all players must be written into the official game book prior to the start of each game. A technical foul will be assessed to any individual that enters a game that has not been listed in the official book prior to the start of the game. Players can have nicknames on their shirts - but legal name must be entered in the book.
- Dunking or attempting to dunk in between games will result in a Technical.
- Players receiving a second Technical for dunking in between games will be suspended from their next game. The third violation is expulsion from the League.
- Games will consist of two, 20 minute running time halves, with stop time for the final 2 minutes of each half. NOTE: this may be amended during the course of the season or for the playoffs.
- Each team will receive three time-outs per game divided between two full time outs and one 30-second time-out.
- In the last 10 seconds of the game, teams will have the option of taking the ball at half court after a time out.
- Teams will shoot 1 and 1 on the 7th team foul in each half and shoot 2 shots on the 10th team foul of each half, provided team fouls are being kept. If team fouls are not kept, any foul in the last two minutes of the half and game will result in a 1 and 1 foul shooting opportunity and two foul shots on the forth team foul in the last two minutes of the half and game.
- One 2 minute stop-time Over Time Period is allotted. If the game is still tied after 2 minutes, the game will be deemed a tie. There will be 1 time out per team during the Over Time Period.
- All players need to be on an official roster in order to be eligible to play in the playoffs.
- All players must play in a minimum of 4 games in order to be eligible for the playoffs unless granted an exception for injury or other circumstances by the league commissioner.
Barker High School Policies
Communication: Once the League starts, League information will be posted to the High School Barker Basketball website. There may be occasional emails during the season, but plan on checking the Barker website on a regular basis for any schedules or updates. Your Adult Contact is a great resource too.
Game times: There will be 6 games each night. First game will start at 5:00pm and the last game will start at 9:00pm. To stay on schedule, it is imperative that all games start on time. Please arrive 10 minutes before the game so that all players can be entered into the score book before the start of the game. Reminder: All teams will play each other once or more during the season. For example, this means Freshmen will be playing upper classmen, etc.
Referees: The League is extremely fortunate to have 2 experienced referees working the games for us. We expect respect to be shown to the referees and other players. The League has over a dozen year history of competitive, fun, respectful play. We fully anticipate that tradition will continue.
Barker Basketball has a Zero Tolerance Policy. Any player found drinking or with alcohol at SSSC will be permanently suspended from High School Barker. Prior to each game, at least one parent from the team needs to report to both the scorekeeper and the SSSC staff in the office on the first floor. If during a game, the referees suspect that a player has been drinking, the game will be stopped. It may resume or may be cancelled depending on the circumstances and subject to the referees' discretion. Players and parents are expected to respect whatever decision is rendered.
Parent at Games. Each team is required to have at least one parent at the game. It is the job of the team’s Adult Contact to ensure that a parent will be in attendance. The parent at the game must check in with the SSSC staff and the scorekeeper prior to the game and, if needed, assist in getting the players’ names and numbers in the book. No parent, no game. If a team does not have a parent on the premises to check in with the scorekeeper and SSSC staff, that team will forfeit the game. Though one parent is required to be at the game, we encourage parents to attend the games. There is Pub upstairs where you can get something to eat and drink and watch the games.
Varsity Player Rule. Not more than 50% of the roster can be made up of Varsity players and there cannot be more than 2 Varsity players on the court at one time. The rule applies to Varsity players from any High School – not just players on the same team. If on a given night you cannot field a team without having 2 or less Varsity players on the court, then your team will have to forfeit the game.This rule does not apply to Freshmen or JV teams/players.
In Barker High School, the players are in charge. Players build their own teams, name their teams, create their own jerseys, and manage their own playing time during games. While adult referees will be at the game, adult coaches will no longer be there. However, one adult per team must be present while a team plays.
This League is comprised of 16 teams with players in Grades 9 through 12. Players live in Hingham but are welcome to register whether they attend HHS or not.
Official team rosters must have a minimum of 8 PAID players in order to play and a maximum of 12 players. Not more than 50% of any roster can be made up of players on a Varsity High School team. This rule does not apply to Freshmen or JV teams/players.
Each team also must have a designated Adult Contact who is at least 21 years old. This Contact is responsible for cascading communications; player conduct; and ensuring attendance by an adult at each game.
Where & When
All games will be played Saturday nights at South Shore Sports Center (55 Recreation Park Drive, Hingham MA). The season starts in early December with playoffs running into March 2025.
Teams are responsible for supplying their own jerseys. Some teams design their own but teams can also wear youth Barker jerseys or other jerseys as long they have numbers, are reversible and are the same color.
Local custom jersey vendors include Beacon Sports, Rockland Athletics and College Hype.
Barker High School - 2024/25
This registration is for high school players in Hingham who want to play in the Barker High School League. Games are played Saturday nights at South Shore Sports Center.